Misty in love kissing Ash (Pokemon)
Ash and Misty are so cute, those Pokemon heroes have really taken
my heart. On the right there is some pictures of the two on their
adventures, there is also some great links on the left if you want
to have a look.
iPod Music and Movies
Many people seem interested in reading about or seeing pictures of
Ash and Misty love making. Below is the best picture we can come up
Picture of Ash and Misty Love Making

There is a message
board here and some more pictures are here.
Since the release of the Pokémon TV series soundtrack,
there have been many rumors going around about Ash and Misty's relationship
in the Pokémon anime series.
It becomes more evident as the series goes forward that Misty has taken
more of a liking towards Ash.
Below is a rundown of the more obvious points in the show
where this relationship shows through.
1.Misty still continues to join Ash on his adventures
along with Brock despite the fact he owes her a new bike. She's reminded
him so many times, but later on in the series, we hear much less about
it...hmmmmm. (hint)
2.Misty blushed when Ash saw her in the outfit with that magician. Plus
Ash commented that it was a REAL cute outfit! (from "Exeggutor
Squad" ep.)
3.Nurse Joy said in "Electric Shock Showdown", "When
two people fight, they really care for each other." Ash and Misty
fight over crazy stuff from time to time, so maybe Joy was right....
4.Its obvious Brock has no romantic interest in Misty due to the fact
when he first met her, He didn't blush like he normally does when he
sees a cute girl. That leaves Ash...(hint hint)
5.What was the REAL reason why Misty didn't want to battle Ash? Oh SURE
it was because she didn't want to face her sisters, but she came back
anyway only because ASH did. Hmm.... (in "Water flowers of Cerulean"
6.In the "Lavender Tower" episode when Ash "dies"
as soon as he "resurrected" the first words out of his mouth
are, "Misty!" Misty rubs the tears off her eyes and smiles
blushing. What about Brock!?
7.Ash doesn't seem to mind Pikachu always hanging around Misty. Except
for that one time when Misty proved Pikachu not to be routy and then
Ash defied saying he only obeys him when in fact that wasn't true...at
the time.
8.When the 3 amazing sisters commented Ash isn't their choice of a
boyfriend for themselves (implying that he was by now Misty's boyfriend),
Ash fell over in embarrassment and Misty defied, but she BLUSHED! (MAJOR
9.In the Caterpie episode, when Misty saw Caterpie she grabbed onto
Ash and Ash didn't make her let go. He just stood there, "Wow a
Caterpie!" (another hint)
10.Misty *really* sought Ash to use her Pokémon against Brock
while he was gym leader. Though, Ash wanted to use the Pokémon
he had trained. Misty kept asking him if he wanted to use her Pokémon,
gosh she has her heart set on this doesn't she?
11.In the episode "The Ultimate Test", after the test was
finished (mostly after he beat Team Rocket) he reflect on some things
that happened and Misty pointed out that he did learn something. And
Ash nodded about that. Misty said some compliments and he thanked her
and smiled.
12.In "Pokémon Paparazzi", at what time the hole broke
through and Ash fell, Misty yelled, "Ash!" Brock didn't seem
to care about Ash because he just yelled Pikachu. They tend to do this
in a lot of anime... But Misty just happened to yell Ash. Hmmmm....
13.In the "Stray Pokemon" ep, Ash and Misty were sleeping
out on a couch. In the morning, Ash is all sprawled out concerning to
fall off. (Suggestive)
14.In the Squirtle Squad episode, when Ash comes back from getting
the Super Potion for Pikachu, he worries about the Squirtle messing
with Misty's hair color, they said they would. But when he returns,
"So Misty you're still a red head?" He cares ^_^.
15.In the episode where St. Anne sink, Ash wanted his
Butterfree back. He talked with Misty about it, it was a *cute* scene.
And when the boat started sinking and Ash ran after his Butterfree Misty
and Brock followed as well. Though, Misty yelled, "Ash!!!!"
While Brock just ran, no thoughts on Pikachu either.
16.Towards the finish of "The Ghost at Maiden's Peak",
the dialog goes like this...
Misty: Sorry i'm late
Ash:........*blush*....wo......(Ash just stares at Misty's beauty)
Misty: huh? (she then blushes)
Misty: Come on ash, lets dance!
Ash: Sure! (Ash takes Misty's hand)
(MAJOR Hint here!!)
17.Also, earlier in the similar episode, at what time
Ghastly started attacking with those skull ghosts, Misty grabbed tightly
to Ash and the two were trying to figure out if there was a Pokémon
located somewhere.
18.In the "Lavender Tower" episode Ash flies
outside to see Brock and Misty while he's a ghost. He remarks, "Wow,
Misty really does care about me!" When he saw how she was worried
that he was dead. Hmm, I wonder why Ash would care if Misty cared about
him... (hint)
19.In Prime ape Goes Bananas, when Misty fell, Ash called
out, "Wa, Misty!!!!!"
20.In Pokémon Fashion Flash, when Misty saw the
Salon Rockét (yes with the weird e), she connected arms with
Ash and they ran off hand in hand. It was adorable!
21.Also in Pokémon manner Flash, when Pysduck told
Pikachu what happened to Misty, Pikachu "translated" it for
Ash of course. Then Ash goes, "Waa, something bad happened to Misty?"
And he leaps over the table and runs. Has to save his girl!
22.Also in the Ninja Poké-showdown; when Misty
was going crazy about Pysduck, Ash grabbed her and held her back. Jeez,
those two held each other a lot in this episode.
23.Also in that episode, when Ash says he'll go on without
Misty, she continues to follow him. Ash asks why and Misty fumble with
her words... she wouldn't want to tell him the REAL reason just yet.
She as an alternative gives him the old "bike excuse"
24.In the Eevee episode, Ash and Misty did a lot of looking
at each other. Not that large of a hint, it was like well we got to
look at each other 24/7.
Ash & Misty - It IS a Love Connection.
Pokemon didn't actually start as a tv show, it actually started as a
Game Boy game called "Pocket Monsters" in Japan in 95. The
game was so popular that they started a tv series in 1997.
The TV series was a hit in Japan, until the December 16,
1997 which left about 700 some people sick and forcing the cancellation
of the series until the following April (1998). It has continued onward
with no further incident.
Also in 1998, 4Kids Entertainment, with Summit Media Group
as it's distributor, got rights to dub and display the show to the whole
world. It made its appearance in September of 1998, and because it was
in syndication at first, started out slowly for some of its time slots
were odd.
Later on, Pokemon red and blue were released for the Game
Boy platform....and at the peak of the Christmas shopping season. Sales
of that (up in the millions) made it the highest selling game ever for
the platform.
The show's luck changed for the better in 1999, when WB
put in it's bid for the rights to run the show for the rest of its run.
Soon it started running Saturdays all at the same time nationally. In
turn, this blew ratings to the moon and made Pokemon the number 1 most
watched show by the 6-12 age in the nation in spring of 1999.
June saw the issue of the first soundtrack for Pokemon.
It sold fairly well and peaked at #92 on the Billboard Top 100 the first
few weeks of its release.
"Pokemon - The First Movie" hit theaters in
November of last year. Despite bad reviews by critics, it was a big
hit among die-hard Poke-fans. Raking in over $52 million in its first
5 days and causing the supplies of the promotional TCG cards to be depleted
within HOURS of its mid-week showing. Also Burger King got into the
craze, and its promotion was a huge success. Every restaurant was having
major trouble keeping up with demand for Pokemon.
Pokemon during the Christmas shopping season of 1999 was
also a big hit. This was a joy to retailers, but trouble for parents
of kids who had various Pokemon items on their Christmas lists, as lots
of Pokemon-related items were going as fast as stores bought in new
We enter the Year 2000, and the Pokemon craze starts to
die down some. After the holidays were over, Pokemon wasn't all the
rage it used to be, the sales of Pokemon merchandise started to slide.
Also on the TV series, the Orange League eps weren't the most popular
compared with the Pokemon League eps. One of the big reasons was because
of the absence of Brock (for me, he's the one that made Pokemon funny),
and the constant re-runs during weekdays. This caused some die-hard
fans to turn to other shows (in this case...DIGIMON) during re-runs.
Then it got hit with another major blow in May 'sweeps' when the Fox
Kids-run "Digimon" stole Pokemon's crown as the most watched
show on Saturday mornings. (Remember, a year earlier from this, Pokemon
was at the top spot in network kids shows).
We skip ahead to July 2000, and "Pokemon: The Movie
2K - The Power of One" hits the big screen. This one faired better
with critics, but it didn't have the kind of box-office amounts that
the "First Movie" had.....taking in only $42 million-plus
during its ENTIRE run at theatres. Even the accompanying soundtrack
faired worse than the "First Movie" CD, not even getting into
the top 100 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart, also despite better
reviews from critics.
It seemed at this point, people were ready to write Pokemon
Pokemon GOLD / SILVER was released during the month of
October. Also during this time, Pokemon: The Johto Journeys, an entire
new series featuring over 100 new Pokemon, an entirely new world with
new towns and such, and (of course), the return of Brock, began it's
run following the Nelvana-dubbed "Card Captors" (another WB
hit with the young ones, but totally bashed by die-hard anime fans who
know it as "Card Captor Sakura") on Saturday mornings, and
on the new WB Friday afternoon block called "Fraturday".
It seems now that Pokemon was certainly not ready to throw
in the towel just yet. The Gold/Silver versions EASILY sold well over
a million copies within its first month of release. November 'sweeps'
saw Pokemon take back its spot as the #1 rated kid's series on network
TV, thanks to a 'final boost' provided by 4 new episodes pitted against
a Digimon "Digithon" that was all re-runs on Fox affiliates.